Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April Fool Joke

was playing FM2008 ytd, 1st april aka april fool's day... n i got a shock from the game... it actually played an april fool joke on me n my team... saying that my board is willing to give me $500M n ask if i would accept it... of cus i clicked accept...

the next ting i know is there is a pop up msg saying it's just an april fool joke... i was like wtf??? the makers of the game even made the effort to do up a april fool joke in this soccer game?......

n the funny thingy is that i played the game on 1st april 2008... in the game it was oso 1st april only it was in the yr 2014... maybe it was programmed so tat if the game was played on 1st april in real life as well as in the game... this joke would appear... lol

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