Sunday, February 26, 2006

saw tis cookie recipe from a magazine... gonna try make the cookie myself as soon as i get a job n a stable income... cus now cant waste $ on unnecessary tingys... or maybe i could go buy the book where the magazine got tis recipe from :P the name of the bk is "Biscuits, Cookies & Brownies", it said the book is available in major bkstores... maybe can go times or popular check it out 2molo :P

kinda reminded me the time when i made the chocolates wif my sister's help :P hehe but the chocolates didnt turn out tat gd... would turn soft in room temperatures...

hai~ dont tink it was appreciated anyway... it's a memory tat should be erased... one tat was sweet n yet wif bitter outcome... but can one really erase it's own memory?

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