Friday, October 17, 2008

Sushi Prep for Sat

preparing for my 2nd try at making sushi hehehe :P went to GIANT at Parkway this evening after work to get the ready made ingredients, got the rice n seaweed at NTUC earlier this week...

1. Jap Rice 2.5kg - $7.95
2. Sushi Vinegar - $1.60
3. Jap Cucumber 2pc - $0.63
4. Unagi - $8.50
5. Radish(yellow) - $2.69
6. Dried Ground Shaving(brown) - $2.85
7. Crab meat - $3.90
8. Seaweed - forgot price :P
9. 10pack mini soya sauce - $1
10. 10pack mini wasabi - $1

i love the mini packs... 10cents per pack loh... so cheap hahaha... gonna go NTUC buy somemore stuffs again... maybe get the unagi sauce, crab stick, n eggs cus not much left in the fridge le...

hope this time it would be as nice as the 1st time :P

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