Thursday, April 06, 2006

good morning -> good day -> almost dead ending

2day went to ubi for OJT on xerox machines hahaha :P followed an engineer for the whole day... we drove arnd the eastern side of sg... attending to jobs, troubleshooting etc... kinda fun cus get to travel arnd, but it's rather stress if u dont know how 2 handle the faults n customers... so gotta try to learn n pick up as much as possible during these 4 days or OJT... 2molo is the 2nd day, till next tuesday... but can say 2day is a good day compared to just sitting in the office everyday, reading n reading n reading...

on my way home, hehe as usual i stopped by the "mama shop" to get some chocolate ice cream, 'gotcha's choco fudge ice cream' to be exact :P just love tat ice cream so muchie... then when i was crossing the traffic light... while i was walking pass the middle road divider, i saw a car speeding towards the traffic light... n it didnt even thgt of slowing down or braking, just ran over the red light... luckily i was walking kinda slow n wasn't listening to mp3, if not i might haf been knocked down by the car...

worst tingy is... when the car passed by, the driver was a lady... how the hell did tis bitch get her licence?? me dying isn't the problem, problem is how would my family feel if i'm dead... then i actually wanted to take down the no. plate... but i'm just too lazy to look at the no. n i didnt wanna be an asshole complaining to any authorities... instead i would just complain in here hahaha :P

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